Wednesday 20 March 2013

JOURNAL ENTRY #15: Journal "Writing" in HUMA01

Writing journals in this Key Questions in Humanities class has been a good experience so far as they have given me a sense of reflection building and have served as a guide for collecting my thoughts. Writing my journals in a blogging style is something completely new for me, as I have never had a blog before and I'm not the most tech-savvy individual. Each lecture topic was assigned different journal assignments that involved various write-ups such paragraph and sentence building exercises, discussion question responses and reviews. I would have never though I would be writing journals in university as I have done in elementary school, but this was on another level of journal-writing. In my high school and in my earlier academic life, I wasn't adequately taught sentence structure and essay writing so my writing itself isn't at that university-level yet. I am someone who loves the arts has been exposed to a lot of art forms throughout my life, and so it is easy for me to express creative ideas. The real challenge for me was taking these creative ideas and specifically and critically placing them into written form. The journal-writing aspect of the course has given me a newfound motivation in creating my own blog for writing whatever I please. I am also now willing to approach the resources available in the university to help me with my writing. The fact that the course is "writing-intensive" has allowed me to approach writing papers and improving my writing skills overall. The topics in HUMA01 have been quite interesting and have inspired many though-provoking ideas and concepts that I would never have looked at.

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