Thursday 7 February 2013


1.) Aladdin is an animated film aimed primarily at children. Do you agree that we should take the images and representations of a film like this seriously? Why or why not?
I feel that although it is a Disney movie it isn't all that innocent,  and does heavily portray images that are stereotypical towards Arabs. When really analyzing movies like such, we should take into consideration that movies are separate from reality. It doesn't necessarily need to be taken seriously unless it reaches to a point where it's evidently gone too far. An example of this can be shown in Aladdin with its subliminal racism within the portrayals of the characters and their actions.

3.) What images come to your mind when you think of Arab men, women and children?
Are those images different after having seen this film? Why or why not?
When I think of Arabs I do imagine men with beards in robes and there's a link with violence. Arab women and children seem to be helpless, innocent and taken advantage. The reason for these visuals in my mind is due to how much the media such as Hollywood and the news has engrained these stereotypical images and representations. After watching the documentary it opened my eyes to how much Arabs are falsely portrayed and the images I previously changed after having seen this film.

8.) Do you think films have the power to influence how we see the world? Why or why not?
Yes I do think that that films have the power to influence how we see the world. Preferably if they are true to reality, and also if they influence us positively and not lead us to believe evidently false judgements based on stereotypes.

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